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April 14, 2023 April 15, 2023

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The SCSU Bulldog Collective’s BBQ Cook-off is on the campus of South Carolina State University at Staley Field, 300 College Street, Orangeburg, SC.

Two separate groups (competition and amateur) will compete in a two-meat contest (pork butts and ribs) for trophies and cash.

There will be a Friday night “Anything Butt Fan Favorite” with teams preparing tempting dishes for the public to vote on.

Cook teams interested in competing can download the registration forms and event rules from our website at The event qualifies the Grand Champion to receive an invitation to the Berkeley Lions Club/SBN Invitational event to be held in October.

Contact Arthur L “Art” Williams at [email protected]. Michael “Mike” Summers at [email protected] or Verna S. Wade at [email protected] for additional information.

300 College St.
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 United States
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