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I love the variety and authenticity of the recipes. It stays true to SC BBQ. It’s a great handbook to start making your own bbq at home. If you’re on the fence about purchasing just know the people behind the cookbook are always looking to add to the book and have a sneak peek into some secrets of SC BBQ. The Birth Place of BBQ. Help the writers continue with such an awesome adventure with a purchase and make some good food to share with others.

Gifts for Your Favorite Pitmaster

(even if that's you!)



Shirts, hats, & more designed exclusively by Destination BBQ.

The Perfect Gift

Front cover of the Going Whole Hog cookbook

Quality Throughout!

Great read on origins of South Carolina BBQ. Enough recipes to satisfy the mustard or vinegar pit master. What I like the most is all the history. Buy at least 2 or 3. You will be giving them as gifts. When they run out of books, I’ll remind you I told you so.

Archie Felder