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Frank’s Barbeque

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Frank’s Barbeque is off the beaten path. We couldn’t find much information and only found an image of their sign beside the road to confirm its location.

Strongly suggest calling ahead to see if they are open.

We have been told Frank’s Barbeque is only open on holiday weekends like the 4th, Labor Day and Memorial Day.

On the menu, you’ll find BBQ, ribs, chicken, and catfish stew. In addition, sides include rice, slaw, baked beans, and string beans. Frank’s even offers pork skins.

Be sure to try Frank’s hash and rice. Hash is a SC BBQ original.

We recently found this review to add a few details about Frank’s Barbeque:

“AWESOME!!! Everything is absolutely awesomely delicious. I found out about this place from a friend. They are only open on special days. Must call to find out. However, once you taste Frank’s hash, ribs, skins, etc. you are guaranteed to be a repeat customer!!! 6.0 stars = off the chart!”

NOTE: Google seems to list Frank’s location as 1964 Boney Rd based on Street View’s location. However, a signpost at the entrance to the property as seen on Street View identifies the location as 2423 Boney Rd. We have it as 2421. Bottom line: don’t trust your GPS to get you there.

According to Kim Love, who posted the image below on Facebook, Frank’s Barbeque is “located on Boney Road about 2 miles behind Bethel Hanberry Elementary.”

Frank's BBQ in RIdgeway, SC

Frank’s BBQ in Ridgeway, SC

Location, Hours, Contact Info, and More

Frank's BBQ near Ridgeway, SC



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Contact Frank’s Barbeque

2421 Boney Rd
Ridgeway, SC 29130

Hours of Operation


Cash Only, Hash, Mustard Sauce

The Perfect Gift

Front cover of the Going Whole Hog cookbook

Beautiful and Comprehensive

What do I like about it? All of it. Must own…you won’t regret it.

Kyle Herlong