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The idea for Mutt’s BBQ stemmed from a long family tradition in Randy Jones’ family.
His grandfather, on special occasions, especially Christmas, dug an open pit, cut hickory wood, made his special sauce, and presented his family with a whole pig, prepared to perfection. Years later, his son Mutt, desiring to pass along the tradition to his sons, began having “pig pickings” every Thanksgiving.
Friends, neighbors, and family were all invited. As many as 150 still gather on Thanksgiving Day for this special feast.
Mutt was well-known for finding people jobs, and it was on Thanksgiving Day in 1996 when Mutt had the idea that someone should open a BBQ restaurant. The idea became a dream to his son Randy, who had been in the restaurant business for 27 years.
Randy devoted the next year and a half to developing the dream.
With the help of an architect, Randy designed a cozy family atmosphere, complete with trains, murals, and an open fireplace. He borrowed his mom’s recipes, his father’s nickname, and his dream became reality with the opening of the first Mutt’s BBQ in Greer, SC in November 1998.
Buffet, Cards and Cash, Hash, Heavy Tomato Sauce, Light Tomato Sauce, Mustard Sauce, Vinegar Pepper Sauce
The Perfect Gift
So well done!
I spent a couple hours just perusing the recipe list! It brought back so many memories of eating at a lot of these places and being able to experience true SC BBQ from some of the masters. The collection of recipes is worth the price of the book. Add to that the beautiful photography, the… Read more “So well done!”