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Finally, THE book on SCBBQ!

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I’m a Cayce/Columbia native who grew up with my grandfather’s BBQ pulled pork from the time I was born. We were serious – Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, birthdays – always a smoked shoulder, family secret BBQ beans, cole slaw, hash and rice, and my grandfather’s incredibly complex BBQ sauce. He did it mostly on an old aluminum weber and used hickory nuts my brother and I gathered in the yard for smoke. It was the best thing ever. If we were in a crunch or didn’t have time to smoke, we’d go to Maurices Piggy Park in Cayce. This book captures all I know and love about SC BBQ. It’s full of great, authentic recipes, beautiful photos, and a fulsome discussion of the different SC regional styles. Highly recommended. Remember – in the South, BBQ is a noun not a verb! Thank you! It’s a book we needed and have been waiting for. It’s the bible of SCBBQ.

The Perfect Gift

Front cover of the Going Whole Hog cookbook


Love the various sauce recipes. This is a very thorough cookbook for exploring the world of South Carolina BBQ.

Peter Lewin